New 80’s dress (80’s haljina) Proxima Centauri: Hajdučica (Hajdi)
Photos (Fotografije): Dario Poljak
Ne obraćaj pažnju na dah, on je tu da živi u nama, a mimo našeg znanja.
Pogledaj u bezdan i raspleti svoja zgrčena krila, osmehni se nepoznatom.
Zaviri u lepotu, ali joj ne daj svog kredita, oseti je trenutnom.
Dan dok prolazi, ima neizbežne namere, satkane tvojom ne smotrenom sudbinom.
Poem (Pesma) : Hajdi
Do not pay attention to the breath, it is here to live inside us, but beyond our knowledge.
Look at the abyss and crawl your crumpled wings, smile to unfamiliar.
Look into the beauty, but do not give it your credit, felt it momentary.
The day while passing, has a inevitable intentions, wrapped up with your
reckless destiny.