Apr 30, 2014

Apr 23, 2014

Roman Aztecs

Inspirativni ambijent iz vremena uzdiznja Rimske imperije, smelo ilustrovan astečkim simbolima slikovitog prikaza, dopunjen valovitim poigravanjem, predstavlja lucidnu sliku distanciranu vremenom.

Inspiring atmosphere from the time of rising of  Roman Empire, bravely  illustrated  with Aztec symbols picturesque views, complemented by rolling playing, presents a lucid picture distanced with time.

    Photos by Dario Poljak
    Style by Hajucica

Apr 16, 2014

City Of Ghosts

Objekti napušteni, pregaženi vremenom i raznovrsnim sudbinama njihovih aktera, pulsirajući nemo u blizini čovekove svakodnevice, predstavljaju pravu poslasticu za nekog kao što sam ja. Iako u veoma lošem stanju, njihova čar leži upravo u toj usnuloj zaledjenosti, ostavljenoj na milost i nemilost neizvesnoj budućnosti.

Facilities abandoned, run over by time and various fates of their stakeholders, pulsating silently close to man's everyday life, are a real treat for someone like me. Although in very poor condition, their charm lies in the dormant frost, left to the mercy of an uncertain future.

Cardigan: Object Collectors Item
Babydoll dress: Sister Jane
Necklace: Rename gift from Taktata
Boots: Dr Martens 
Backpack: Nylon Flea Market

Style by Hajducica
Photos by Dario Poljak

Apr 9, 2014

Cyber Cat

Mamina sajber jaknica iz osamdesetih, odavno zaboravljena, a ovih dana ponovo nadjena, vraća me u neko drugo vreme, kada je naša zemlja imala svoje fabrike i mogla ponuditi dizajn kakav se danas kopira. Modna konfekcija iz Požarevca svojim trudom, kao i mnoge druge konfekcijske kuće toga vremena stvarale su komade koji su i sada u trendu. Velika je šteta što ove fabrike više ne postoje, a nekada su mogle parirati svoji radom onima u svetu. Vredne ruke i dobre ideje čekaju neko bolje vreme, koje se nadam da će uskoro doći ;))

Modernističke, pomalo space sandale, uz crnu minicu i šarenu prozirnu majcicu, koja je kupljena dok sam bila u Amerci, dopunjuju kombinaciju spremnu za moto egzibiciju!

Mama's cyber jacket from the eighties, long forgotten, and these days again found, returning me to another time, when our country had its own factory and can offer design which is now copied. Fashion clothes from Pozarevac with  their efforts, as well as many other ready-made houses of that time created the pieces that are trendy even now. It is a great pity that the factory no longer exist, and at that times they might compete their work to those in the world. Diligent hands and good ideas are waiting for a better time, which I hope will come soon ;))

Modernist, a little bit space sandals with a black mini skirt and colorful transparent top, which was bought while I was in Amerca, complementary combination that is ready for a moto stunt!

Jacket: fashion clothes "Ceba" Pozarevac
Top: Jean Paul Gauliter
Earrings: Czech crystal

Bag: Diesel

Photos by Dario Poljak

Style by Hajducica

Apr 2, 2014

I.T is coming to get ya

Style by Hajducica
Photos by Dario Poljak