May 29, 2014
May 23, 2014
Gepard Attack
Duboko u skrivenom delu šume, životinja je spremna za napad. Mirno i dostojansveno ona je usresredjena na svaki i najmanji šum, kao i na svoj neprevazidjen njuh i intuiciju, ne bi li predator u njoj bio podmiren. Skoka brzog i lakog, strmoglavo se obrušava na svoju metu.
Deep in the hidden part of the forest, the animal is ready to attack. Calm and dignity she focuses on every little noise, and the unsurpassed flair and intuition, in order to settling predator in her. Jump to quickly and easily, headlong dives on its target.
Dress: Vintage (Creation Mademoiselle) gift from Dario
Photos by Dario Poljak
Style by Hajducica
May 15, 2014
Sluti na kišu. Njen miris je u zraku i dolazak neizbežan. Iskoristivši poslednji vapaj sunca, obrela sam se u užurbanim ulicama našeg grada, tražeći utočište od nepredvidljivosti svakodnevice.
Suspicion of rain. Her flavor was in the air and the arrival inevitable. Taking advantage of the last cry of the sun, I found myself in the busy streets of our city, seeking shelter from the unpredictability of everyday life.
Dress: Nylon Flea Market
Earrings: Gift from my friend Majda
Belt: Vintage (my mom)
Purse: Nylon Flea Market
Sneakers: Reebok
Photos by Dario Poljak
Style by Hajducica
Suspicion of rain. Her flavor was in the air and the arrival inevitable. Taking advantage of the last cry of the sun, I found myself in the busy streets of our city, seeking shelter from the unpredictability of everyday life.
Dress: Nylon Flea Market
Earrings: Gift from my friend Majda
Belt: Vintage (my mom)
Purse: Nylon Flea Market
Sneakers: Reebok
Photos by Dario Poljak
Style by Hajducica
May 9, 2014
Out of Control

Uvek u potrazi za neistraženim predelima, naše biće divlje u srcu, kreće na put neizvesne budućnosti. Momenti savršene bezbriznosti i nadrealnih mogućnosti, nestvarnih poput sna, lako odzvanjaju na njemu i pretvarajuci ga u avanturu.
Always in search of unexplored regions, our being wild at heart, sets off an uncertain future.
Moments of perfect peace of mind and surreal opportunities, unreal like a dream, easy to echo on it and turning it into an adventure.
Parka dress : Jet Set (Vintage)
Backpack : Asos
Sneakers: Startar
Photos by Dario Poljak
Style by Hajducica
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