Jun 26, 2014

Miki Vara

      Ne mogu da opišem svoju radost, jer sam konačno napravila fotografije sa mojim dragim zecom Mikijem (Miki Varom).  Pozirao je poput pravog modela, iako mu je bio prvi put. I ko onda kaže da su zecevi plašljivi, moj Mika je pravi vrtirep i iz dana u dan uspeva da me iznova iznenadi! To nije pravi zec, to je ker -zec,  koji poseduje sopstvenu ličnost i harizmu kojom pleni.  To je moj prijatelj, sa kojim mi svakodnevica prolazi sa osmehom.

       I can not describe my joy, because I finally took the pictures with my dear rabbit Miki (Miki Varom). He posed like a real model, although it was the first time for him. And then who says that rabbits are timid, my Mika is a true butterfly and day by day manage to surprise me again! He is not a real rabbit, he is dog-rabbit, which has its own personality and charisma that captivates. This is my friend, with whom I pass everyday with a smile.

           Style by Hajducica

           Photos by Dario Poljak

Jun 20, 2014

Floating Fisherman

    Srećan je onaj koji zivi kraj reke i koji može da se prepusti alaskom životu, bitisanju smirenosti i izostanka svakodnevnih problema. Samo jedan trenutak proveden ovde, dovoljan je da shvatimo sitne darove koje nam priroda pruža, i da budemo zahvalni na njima. 

     Happy is the one who lives by the river, and who can live fisherman life, life which is calm and without everyday problems. Just one moment spent here is sufficient to understand the small gifts that nature provides, and be grateful to them.

 Dress: Rawe Rheda (Vintage)
 Bag: Nylon Flea Market
 Sunglasses: Corning (Vintage)

 Photos by Dario Poljak

 Styling by Hajducica

Jun 12, 2014


      Svako modno razdoblje je po sebi intresantno, i ja se trudim da u svoj asortiman uvrstim, što više komada iz raznih perioda. Današnja kombinacija inspirisana je estetikom 90ih. U poslednjoj potrazi za zaboravljenim blagom, pronašla sam ove crazy lenonke, kupljene kada sam pohadjala osnovnu skolu. Animal print top, koga često i rado nosim, je mamin. Mislim da su u pitanju, kasne osamdesete. Minimalističke sandale, jarke neon boje, osvežavaju celokupan izgled, a tu je i ogrlica Rename intresantnog geometrijskog dizajna.

      Every fashion period is in itself interesting, and I try to include in my selection, more pieces from different periods. Today's combination is inspired by the aesthetics of the 90s. In the last search of forgotten treasures, I found this crazy Lennon glasses, purchased when I was in grammar school. Animal print top, which I often and gladly wear, is my mom's. Think it's from late eighties. Minimalist sandals, bright neon color, refreshes the whole look, and there is a necklace Rename interesting geometric design.

    Top: Vintage (my Mom's)
    Sunglasse: Vintage (90s)
    Necklace: Rename
    Shoes: Asos

    Photos by Dario Poljak
    Style by Hajducica

Jun 6, 2014

Never Let Me Go

     Još  jedno leto se sprema. Svi užurbano grabe za prvim sunčevim zracima. Na užarenom asfaltu, tragovi bezimenih putnika prolaznika, gube se u neznanom smeru. Jedino što za njima ostaje, je ono početno uzbudjenje nečeg što tek treba da usledi, što se naslućuje, za čim se čezne i  što se nestrpljivo čeka. 

     Rock and roll ženstvena kombinacija, nadahnula je današnji dan, da počne euforično, a u istom takvom duh i da se završi:))

     Another summer is coming. All hurriedly grabbing the first sunny ray. On the hot pavement, traces of nameless passenger's passers, losing in the unknown direction. The only thing left after them, is that initial excitement of something which is yet to come, which can be sensed, for as soon as the desires and what is eagerly awaiting.

     Rock and roll feminine combination, inspired this day, to start euphoric, and in the same spirit to end :))

     Top: Diesel
     Sandals: Peko

     Photos by Dario Poljak
     Style by Hajducica