Boho stil u mojoj režiji, stil malog Mohikanca, seća me na period kada su deca cveća nesputano propagirala svoje slobode, boreći se za život bez stega, za ljubav i mir koji je uvek bio tako nedostižan. Kao oni nekad, ja sam poželela sad, da osetim prepuštanje jednoj takvoj slobodi duha i rušenje bezrazložnih bariera nametnutih nam od strane nekolicine.
Boho style directed by me, the style of a small Mohican, remembers me of the period when hippies uninhibited promoted their freedom, fighting for life without constraints, for love and peace that was always so hard-to-reach. Like they used to, I wished now, to feel letting go myself to a freedom of spirit such as this and demolition unreasonable barrier imposed on us by a few.
Shirt: Vintage - my mom's Band with feathers: DIY Sunglasses: from Lisabon flea market Belt: Vintage - my mom's Purse: Vintage Shoes: Nylon Flea Market Photos by Dario Poljak Styling by Hajducica
Upravo tako, leto se još nije završilo, tako da sva koloritna ruha, mogu još uvek, po neki put da se obuku. Ionako, kad nastupe hladniji dani, biće nam sve teže da se ušarenimo, a ne zaboravimo da je zima duga! Zato nek se iskoriste ovi poslednji dani, nek se pusti mašti na volju, zaborave predrasude i odene nešto vrcavo ;))
That's right, summer is not over yet, so that all the colorful costumes, can still, in some occasion be dressed. Anyway, when colder days occur, it will be increasingly difficult to colorful us more, and let's not forget that winter is long! Therefore, let take advantage of these last days, let your imagination run wild, forget the prejudice and put on something quirky;))