Lepota osmišljavanja posta, nepresušno je nadahnuće koje me uvek čini takom poletnom. Ne znajući gde će me odneti, zavisno od trenutka i raspoloženja, koji su svakodnevno različiti, dozvoljavam sebi da uplovim u taj čarobni svet mašte. Danas inspirisale su me 40e, i uz vatrenu crvenu boju, prošaranu crno-belim printovima, smelo sam obojila jedan tmurni zimski dan.
The beauty of making the post, inexhaustible inspiration that always makes me spirited. Not knowing where it will take me, depending on the time and mood, which are different every day, allow myself to enter the magical world of the imagination. Today I was inspired by 40ties, and with fiery red, streaked with black and white prints, I boldly painted a gloomy winter day.
Hat: Vintage
Skirt: Hajducica http://www.hajducica.com/shop/dresses-skirts/elegant-mens-sweater/
Shirt: Mura
Coat: Nylon Flea Market
Bag: Vintage
Shoes: Libello
Photos by Dario Poljak
Style by Hajducica