Feb 21, 2023

Festival Of Love

Hat: Vintage

          Skirt:   Hajducica 

Shirt: Mura

Coat: Nylon Flea Market

Bag: Vintage

Photos by Dario Poljak

Style by Hajducica

Baroque dandy

  Stil 30ih, tog famoznog art deco-a, uvek me je impresionirao i stvarao u meni posebno divljenje. Pokušavajući na neki način da ga oživim, totalno sam se prenela u vreme kada su dame zaista bile sofisticirane kraljice, koje su uz dozu šika, plenile svojom pojavom. Iako je moderno vreme donelo funkcionalnost i jednostavnost, nešto se svakako izgubilo. Izgubila se ona čar za tek probudjenim slobodama, kojima su se tada bez razmišljanja žene lakomo podavale.

The style of 30s, famous art deco, always impressed me and created in me a special admiration. Trying in some way to revive it, I totally transferred myself in a time when ladies were really sophisticated queen, which are with a dose of chic, seizing their appearance. Although modern times brought the functionality and simplicity, something is definitely lost. Lost was the charm for awaken freedoms, which then without thinking greedily feeding women.

Coat: Hajdučica

Hat: Nylon Flea Market

Bag: Vintage (Nylon Flea Market)

Style by Hajdučica

Photos by Dario Poljak


Feb 20, 2023







Tamna strana dana, postala je konstanta. Tmurni oblaci nad nama, zaklanjali su naš pogled poput ogrtača. Želeći da ga se otresemo, kao od nepodobnog uljeza, smislili smo plan za naš beg. U početku naivan, sa vremenom je dobijao na snazi. Rešili smo da krenemo za sjajnom zvezdom, negde gde smo čuli da se želje ostvaruju...Nismo ni predpostavljali da čovek ne može pobeći od sebe i da se životna radost može jedino stvoriti u zahvalnom srcu.

Dark Side of the day, has become a constant. Somber clouds over us, obscuring our view like a cloak. Wanting to shake him, like an inappropriate intruder, we came up with a plan for our escape. Initially naive, with time is gained strength. We decided to go for the shiny star, somewhere where we heard that desires fulfilled. We did not assume that a man can not run away from himself and that the joy of life can only be created in a grateful heart.

Cardigan : Hajdučica

Sweatshirt: Hajdučica

Hat: Vintage - Nylon Flea Market

Belt: Vintage

Jeans: Diesel

Boots: Asos

Earrings: Rename

Styling by Hajdučica

Photos by Dario Poljak