Uspomene blede kako vreme odmiče, njihova slika se gubi, a jedino što ostaje jesu osećaji koje su one proizvele. Sve što je danas izgledalo kao nepremostiva prepreka, sutra ne postoji. Dobro razmislimo kakva sećanja želimo da upamtimo i uradimo sve da ih zadržimo. Čovek je vredan koliko je pravih uspomena uspeo da stvori, onih kojih ostaju da žive čak i posle nas.
Memories fade as time goes on, their image will be lost, and all that remains are the feelings that they produce. Everything that today seems like an insurmountable obstacle, tomorrow not exists. Well think about what kind of memories you want to remember and do everything to keep them. The man is worth as much as a real keepsake managed to create, those that remain live even after us.
Coat: Hajdučica
Pants: Hajdučica
Hat: My Mom's (Vintage)
Earrings: My Mom's (Vintage)
Bag: Hajdučica
Style by Hajdučica
Photos by Dario Poljak
wow such a fabulous look! you look absolutely amazing :D
Divna si mi ovde.Tako blaženog i prefinjenog look-a.Volim te bebi pink tonove na tebi.
ReplyDeletePelerina je super, a tek bertka mi je famozna.
Volim tvoju novu torbicu, tako je krasna i bas je zaokruzila ceo look.
Izgledas bas predivno i kasrno bas bas.Volim!!
I like the look! Great colors.
ReplyDeleteGreat pants!
Like that purplish colour.
Edgy and chic look, love the styling, you look great! xo
ReplyDeleteLovely colour!
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful weekend,
Kakva prefinjenost! Svaki element je odlicno u ukomponovan u celinu!
ReplyDeletegenijalno mi je kako se ta beretka slaže s lila pantalonama koje su stvarno fantastične. Volim pantalone širokog kroja, nekako su mi posebno elegatne. Kaput je prekrasan, stvarno su ti divni komadi, svaka čast. Fotografije su jako lijepe.
Baš ekstra stil! :)
ReplyDeleteSad sam te pronašla, možemo se pratiti? :)
Thank you my gorgeous girls! Love ya :*
ReplyDeleteAwesome outfit and very nice style
Kako mi se dopadaju tvoji outfiti,nekako orginalni,imas stila wouu,iskreno voljela bih ovako profurat neki style:)
ReplyDeleteSuper post,divno pises fotografije su predivne.Uclanila sam se u tvoj blog pa ako zelis pogledaj i ti moj i zaprati me ♥
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Tropika Club Magazine is your leading online magazine for the discerning male and female Singaporean. We cover various topics of interest, ranging from beauty and vogue for her, and grooming and style for him, as well as city and destinations and top picks. To learn about Tropika Club's Search Directory for Beauty and Wellness Services, please click on this link
Check out some of our articles below as our contribution to your blog roll:
1.Top 10 Best Curry Puff in Singapore
2.Top 10 Best Nasi Padang in Singapore
3.Top 10 Best Fishball Noodles In Singapore
4.Top 10 Best Laksa in Singapore
5.Top 10 Best Soy Bean Curd In Singapore"
"Tropika Club Magazine is your leading online magazine for the discerning male and female Singaporean. We cover various topics of interest, ranging from beauty and vogue for her, and grooming and style for him, as well as city and destinations and top picks. To learn about Tropika Club's Search Directory for Beauty and Wellness Services, please click on this link
ReplyDeleteWe are sharing some of our latest featured posts Top 10 Best Stretch Marks Creams in Singapore.
1.Top 10 Best Body Exfoliators in Singapore
2.Top 10 Hair Heat Protection in Singapore
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