Dress: Hajducica
Boots: Asos
Coat: C&A
Bag: Springfield
Veseli dezeni uklopljeni sa šarenom pozadinom,imaju skoro pa psihodelični efekat! Volim njihovu pozitivnu energiju, čija vibracija kao da poziva na festival ljubavi! Sunce, mir, budjenje proleća i vetar u kosi! Jeste da je još zima, ali to ne znači da ne možemo da maštamo 😉
Cheerful designs blended with a colorful background, have almost psychedelic effect! I love their positive energy, whose vibration as it calls for the love festival! Sun, peace, awakening of spring and the wind in your hair! Here is still winter, but that does not mean that we can not daydream 😉
Photos by Dario Poljak
Style by Hajdučica
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